to little Junior if the nice lady next door makes a pass at him? Just so long as some pervert like her husband keeps his hands to himself.

Dr. Roderick Gorney, in a paper for the American Psychoanalytic Association warned of the psychic dangers of skin diving-beware lest the diver confuse mother ocean with his human mother's arms or womb, and floating in euphoria, feel that he is safe in mother's arms.

L. A. Dist. Atty. McKesson in row with Superior Judge Fildew over use of probation reports by judge in determining guilt of defendents in bookmaking and sex offense cases. The reports are not made under oath, contain much hearsay-and so would be barred from knowledge of jurors: "I know of no reason," McKesson said, "why a judge trying a case without jury should proceed by any different rule of evidence than he would be required to enforce if a jury were trying the case... A defendant should not be tried on his background, but solely on the question of whether competent evidence proves him guilty of the charge before the court."

LONDON: A former woman ferry pilot, Irene Joy Fergusson, announced she'd become a man, and would be known in the future as Jonathan. Fergusson is chief officer in Ministry of Supply in field of aircraft development. Sex change will not effect his job . . .

When Italian government recently banned licensed brothels, one young Roman darkly prophesied that next thing would be a great public works' project-to widen sidewalks. Now what could he have meant by that?...

THE CHRISTIAN CENTURY, an interdenominational liberal weekly, recently complained about alarming

increase of married students in theological seminaries (15% in 1936 to 60% last year), turning dormitories. into nurseries, campuses into playpens. The growing costs to schools. of such "massive swaddling" led one seminary president to beg students to hold down their rate of reproduction. Aside from undesirable condition of women working. to put husbands thru school, while children get no proper care, article said early marriage deprives students of even a brief fling at intellectual freedom before they are borne down by practicality. "Heaven knows, the parish itself soon enough pats even the most independent preacher down into comfortable conformities. But that gentling will be one thing for the man who can remember a time when in his freedom he questioned and challenged and criticized-a different thing from the gentling of a man who from the beginning, driven by family practicalities, has been seeking the pattern that he might conform. The trouble with the church today is exactly its dreadful domestication. The last thing it needs is more domesticated ministers." So we see marriage isn't an unmixed blessing after all. But perhaps this analysis misses a main point. If ministers are to serve a challenging, independent moral function in society, it is not only mistaken that they be domesticated too earlythey ought not be domesticated at all. Luther notwithstanding, Christ was emphatic on the point that wedlock was inconsistent with fulltime service of the Church . . .


Senator Henty, Australian Minister for Customs, embarrassed recently when announcement that anti-Vatican novel, THE KEYS OF ST.